Sunday, 18 April 2010

Thank You Week 2 154

By Belinda

Dear friends,
Just being accountable here is helping; thank you! This is Sunday; one week from the Fresh Start, and to my surprise I weighed in at 154 lb. That's just a smidge over 4lb less than last Sunday. And for the first time, I have broken a pattern. It's been a while since I was that low on a Sunday.

I exercised twice last week; two walks with Molson. This week I commit to adding at least one more walk.

Using Weight Watchers tools, this week I relearned appropriate portion sizes.

My friend Susan gave me a turnip on Thursday, with an amazing tool to peel it with, made by Pampered Chef. I discovered that I love turnip--and it is a vegetable you can eat as much of as you like with impunity. I bought more on Saturday.

And  click on the link below to view the photo album of my boss's, 30th anniversary celebration on Thursday, when I resisted the fish and chips on the menu and had Greek Salad.

From 2010-04-16
It was a great first week and I go forth with hope in week 2.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Yay! Four pounds! That's amazing. Way to go! Seriously.

I haven't got on the scale yet, and I'm too tired to go up there tonight, so I'll send in a report in the morning. If I can get up the stairs. (I sure miss my anti-inflammatory medication!)