Thursday, 10 April 2008

A Conversation with Susan

Hey Friends,
I changed our "blog description" from "chronicling the journey from frumpy to fit." This was as a result of a conversation over lunch with Susan, who said, "If you're frumpy, what does that make me?" which made me realize that what had been "all about me" might have had an unintended effect.

Susan also asked if there was a reason that God was not an overt part of this blog as he is on my other blog, Whatever He Says. It was hard to explain why, because he is part of my whole journey of life and I pray for my buddies on this blog as they and I encourage one another.

I think that I was on guard against "overspiritualizing" my own battle with food addiction, and yet there is a spiritual aspect to any battle and perhaps a bigger aspect than I have acknowledged here. So, I just want to say, that God is my life, my Lord and my Salvation and therefore the key to winning any battle in life.

He also gives us friends to help us on our way and I'm glad that you are there.

Joyful and I sat together last night at our writers group and surveyed the feast of refreshments with laughter at our plight! Joyful was wonderful and stuck to the "three things" she chose as her limit! There was no guilt or any sense of being under scrutiny as we each dealt with the temptation in our own way; just support. Thanks Joyful a.k.a. Fox.

And now perhaps Susan will show up on this blog. :)


Susan said...

Hmmm. Pressure. Just what I need more of in my life. :o)


I finally came to STS this morning to see what you might have put in place of "frumpy". I am touched that you would make changes just for me - so I would feel more welcome. And I do.

But just for the record...

It doesn't matter to me that this blog hasn't been "overtly spiritual". I did wonder if it was intentional or not... but not because I thought there was anything necessarily wrong with it the way it was. The ensuing discussion we had - that the battle for me has to be waged on the spiritual front, was an exploration of my own feelings in that moment, not something I had previously thought out or opined that needed to be acted upon by you. I know you. So I already know that the battle is a spiritual one. But blesses me to think that you would want to make that more clear just because you thought I might be struggling with that. But you didn't need to. :o)

I am glad you took out "frumpy", though. Through no fault of yours, (you can't be responsible for what goes on in my mind) that did make me feel like I should feel bad about myself before I even started. And it does make me feel more welcome.

I have been here all along, you know. I just haven't said anything - until now. :o)

Belinda said...

Well, you are SO welcome and I'm so glad for our conversation yesterday. It gave me food for thought! :) Of course that is the best food of all.