Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Check in, week 14

Hey I'm 154 lb this morning. No surprise there, after my weekend of splurging here and splurging there.

I'm not discouraged. I know I'm still on my own snail's pace but moving in the right direction, course.

The difference is that I do know why I'm 154 and not 151 this morning. I'm not burying my head in the sand and saying wide eyed, "I hardly ate a thing." Counting points really helps ground one in reality! Thanks Weight Watchers.

Speaking of Weight Watchers, being an almost compulsive record keeper, I'd like to share my statistics from July 2002 when I re-joined as a Lifetimer.

Back then I weighed in at 169 (which would have been about 167 in the morning, which is when I weigh in now). I only joined to encourage a friend, but to my surprise I ended up losing 24 pounds and being the perfect weight for me for a long time afterwards until I forgot that exercize is essential in keeping the metabolism going and you always have to be aware of the amount you're eating. So now I'm up still by about 11 pounds--but heading down!

Hey friends--how're you doing?

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