Monday, 9 April 2012

By Belinda

149.4 1b

I haven't written for a while because I've been so busy since last I posted, but I want to check in to say that I am still pressing on with the Dukan Diet! I am not perfect in following it but it is working for me, slowly but surely!

I have also joined our local fitness and recreation complex with the rest of our household: Husband Paul, daughter Brenda and son-in-law Kevin. I work out several times a week now, often on my way home from work or on the weekend with Brenda or Paul.

People have commented that I'm looking good. This is very nice!

I am also wearing clothes that haven't fitted for a long time.

I still have between 4-7 pounds to go. I'm working on it--but meanwhile I am so happy to have got to this place.

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