Sunday, 29 April 2012

Back into Cruise


I've been doing okay in Consolidation, holding the line around 146-ish, but as I looked in the mirror I still saw a little more blubber than I really want to hang around! I decided to hop out of Consolidation and keep working for a few more weeks on the last 3 pounds. I'm aiming for 143lb, which isn't too far off to be radical.

I am so close and the Cruise part of the Dukan Diet is not painful, hard or unpleasant at all. I am never 100% rigid, but just try to follow the principles in general--and I am getting there. I am so grateful that back in January, God led me to the book on the shelf in Sainsbury's. I keep it close and read parts of it over again regularly. I love the galattes, and I love the vinaigrette mayo and the salmon en papillae from the recipe section. I feel as though my eating patterns have permanently been re-educated. I hope they have. Time will tell, but so far, it's going so well.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

In Consolidation!

By Belinda


On Sunday, at 146.6 I decided to listen to Dr. Dukan's advice that my True Weight is 147 and begin Consolidation. Since I have lost 11 pounds since starting the Dukan Diet, and Consolidation is 5 days for every pound lost, this means 55 days in this two part phase. You break it into two parts (27 each in my case.) In the first half you can have one Celebration Meal a week, and in the second, two.

My first half will be reached May 10, and on June 7 I will begin Stabilization--which lasts for the rest of my life. I'm up for it. I can't quite believe I'm here but it feels so good.

Monday, 9 April 2012

By Belinda

149.4 1b

I haven't written for a while because I've been so busy since last I posted, but I want to check in to say that I am still pressing on with the Dukan Diet! I am not perfect in following it but it is working for me, slowly but surely!

I have also joined our local fitness and recreation complex with the rest of our household: Husband Paul, daughter Brenda and son-in-law Kevin. I work out several times a week now, often on my way home from work or on the weekend with Brenda or Paul.

People have commented that I'm looking good. This is very nice!

I am also wearing clothes that haven't fitted for a long time.

I still have between 4-7 pounds to go. I'm working on it--but meanwhile I am so happy to have got to this place.