Monday, 2 February 2009

I am afraid that since my last post I haven't done very well. On Sunday morning, which is going to be my new weekly weigh in day, I was 156.6lb, which is UP since the beginning of the year.

Not surprising, since I've been totally irrational when it came to eating, freely indulging in ice cream, desserts and other snacks. It's probably a wonder that I didn't gain more and the only reason I can think of is that my dark side takes over after 5.00 p.m. Usually until then I manage to eat quite sensibly.

Anyway, on Sunday, I decided I'd had enough. My pants are so uncomfortably tight and I refuse to buy a larger size. It is me that has to shrink!

So, I hauled out my Weight Watcher information and reread the beginner booklet. I love the Weight Watcher system and it really works for me. I love the ability to eat whatever I want as long as I plan for it, while keeping in mind the basic healthy eating guidelines.

Yesterday and today I managed to stay within my points allotment of 22 (without using any of the emergency fund of 35 weekly points).

I plan to post more frequently, just to keep a record of how it's going. That helps me and who knows? Maybe it will encourage someone else. :)

One thing that I have sadly lacked is exercise. I need to get moving. One thing at a time though. Maybe by the end of the week!


N. J. Lindquist said...

You're not alone. I have 10-15 pounds that simply must go! The problem is it's at least the equivalent of a part-time job to get it gone and to keep it off for the first bit.

Belinda said...

Hey NJ, Then we have the same amount to shed. We can encourage one another. I'm thinking of the Awards Gala, and how I want to look good for that and Write! Canada. I am determined at this minute and I pray for continued determination. :)

Shan said...

Belinda, you can do it! It's the worst time of the year, with not many opportunities for walking your daughter's dog, and getting out to do fun things that keep you going. It's a good time to reassess and try something new.