Wednesday, 13 August 2008


Hi All,

I continue to weigh 150 lbs. at home and 145 lbs. at the cottage- a descrepancy between scales. I have been doing interval training 3 times a week for the past two weeks. Out for a brisk walk for 50 min. with a minimal of 12 minutes jogging during that time.

Maintaining is all I can do right now it seems. The stress is high with a hospital trip by ambulance for one of the twins, Jason being sick for 6 days (he is finally beginning to get well), transitioning from the house to the cottage and back every week-end, and beginning schooling and planning for the next school year. I am content with what I am doing right now because it is all I can do. I am aware that things will slow down by the end of the month and even calamities end in their season.

I have found I have been struggling with my self control with both carbs. and sweets and it seems to happen when I'm under stress- go figure.

Thinking of all of you battling the same fight. We'll cheer on as we get healthy together.

Belinda, it has been great to hear about your new walking lifestyle.

Shan, I often wonder what it's like on the west coast and think of you hiking, biking, or kayaking. Way to go with increasing the activity.

Susan, How's it going with the new plan?

Just checking in. From the lightbulb.

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