Sunday, 2 March 2008


I just thought I'd check in with a progress report. It's Sunday and I did a Leslie Sansome 3 mile workout tonight, with weights on one of the miles. Monday was the last time I'd managed to fit in exercise in a very busy week.

I've grown to love that big grapefruit like fruit called pummelo. If I'm hankering after dessert and have some pummelo instead, I find them a satisfying alternative, with interesting texture and tangy flavour. My tongue is totally distracted by the time I'm finished eating a couple of segments and I no longer crave ice cream or anything else sweet.

As the weeks go by, every fraction of a pound lost is a victory for me. It may not be going fast, but as I approach the week 9 check in, I know that I'm looking and feeling better even if the numbers aren't vastly lower.

On Tuesdays, which is a night when we have company each week, and on Sundays, when we often have company, I don't worry to much about what I eat, but I try to stop eating when I'm full. The rest of the week I try to be conscious of avoiding fat and sugar and eat higher fibre foods. I'm also eating enough dairy every day as it is supposed to be helpful for losing weight and is definitely good for our bones.

That's it for today!


Joyful Fox said...

Hey Congratulations Belinda,

Good choice on the pumelo - I've only ever had one once. It kind of tasted like an orange but was the colour of grapefruit. I liked it, but they sure were huge!

Well, Accountability Group,

I had a week-end that "slid" back after Mon.-Thurs. of developing good habits. All week, I was diligent with water in-take and counting calories (points) and exercise.

Friday at about 2:00 p.m. I began a downward slide. I ate about 10 of those tiny white high-fat donuts and several handfuls of baker chocolate chips as an ongoing snack all afternoon.

Saturday I did go for a 40 min. walk and eat wisely until dinner. I was at a restaurant and ate way past "full".

Sunday we celebrated Olivia's Birthday at breakfast and she chose Egg Estrada (with cheddar cheese, and blackforest ham) and sticky buns. We also had a fruit salad and orange juice but overall, again I had way too much.

Was not great at lunch either, although I ate wisely for the rest of the day and stopped my down ward slide.

Surprisingly enough, I did make enough wise choices overall in exercise, eating, and water consumption to still lose weight.

I began last Monday and weighed in today. I am now a heavy 163 lbs. from 169 lbs. last Monday.

I am excited because I still LOST 6 POUNDS.

I will try hard this week to get right back on track.

That's my Week 1 Check-In from the LightBulb.

Shan said...

Good morning chickies!

All right, I'm not exactly sure but I think I'm down another pound to 188. I haven't been exercising much but I have been changing my diet a bit. Lots of water consumption and a breakfast routine to keep me from putting Whatever into my mouth while trying to decide what to have for breaky.

Shan said...

Oh I forgot to say, the pommelo is my favourite citrus. We have them here a lot (there's a California organic grower that a local grocery chain stocks) and I buy them steadily when they're in season. I think one reason they are helpful to dieters is it takes SO FREAKING LONG to eat one, what with avoiding the bitter membrane. One pommelo keeps me busy for at least fifteen minutes.

Interestingly, the pommelo is the ancestor of the grapefruit, and these two fruits combine to make the hybrid Oroblanco. The oroblanco is very similar to a pommelo - you'd like it. I think Melogolds are another pommelo-grapefruit hybrid but I don't see those as often as poms and oros.

Joyful Fox said...

Thanks Shan for the info. on the pommelo (and the accurate spelling - excuse mine).

We have just recently begun getting them in regular grocery stores.

You are right about that bitter membrane. The first few bites almost threw me off them completely (until I figured you don't eat them.)

We don't get the Oroblanco or the Melogold that you mentioned - unless I just haven't seen them (correct me if I'm wrong, Belinda)

What are yours like in the west coast in size, Shan?

Ours are about double and them some of a grapefruit.

Now that we've been talking about it, I'm motivated to buy one again.

Mmmmm...better that than chocolate...